-- FILE NAME = ES-1000.MIB
-- CONTENTS  = MIB Definition for ES-1000 Fibre Channel Enterprise Connectivity Switch


      enterprises, Counter
         FROM RFC1155-SMI
         FROM RFC-1212
         FROM RFC-1215
         FROM SNMPv2-TC;

   -- Enterprise Specific Object Identifiers

   mcData         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 289 }
   -- Product lines or generic product information
   -- common      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mcData 1 }
   commDev        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mcData 2 } -- communication devices

   -- Fibre Channel product lines
   fibreChannel   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { commDev 1 }
   fcSwitch       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fibreChannel 1 }
   es-1000        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { fcSwitch 3 }

   -- textual conventions

   TruthValue ::= INTEGER {
      yes (1),
      no (2)

   Es1000SysOperStatus ::= INTEGER {
      operational       (1),
      redundant-failure (2),
      minor-failure     (3),
      major-failure     (4),
      not-operational   (5)

   Es1000SysState ::= INTEGER {
      online         (1),
      coming-online  (2),
      offline        (3),
      going-offline  (4)

   Es1000CompCode ::= INTEGER {
      comp-ctp             (2),     -- Control Processor
      comp-fan             (5),     -- Fan
      comp-power           (6),     -- Power supply
      comp-thermal         (13),    -- Thermal Sensor
      comp-gbic-none       (16),     -- No GBIC Present
      comp-gbic-cu-db9     (17),    -- Copper DB9 GBIC
      comp-gbic-cu-hssdc   (18),     -- Copper HSSDC GBIC
      comp-gbic-opt-lw-1g  (19),     -- Optical Long Wave 1G GBIC
      comp-gbic-serial-id  (20),     -- Serial ID GBIC
      comp-gbic-opt-sw-1g  (21),    -- Optical Short Wave 1G GBIC
      comp-gbic-opt-lw-2g  (22),    -- Optical Long Wave 2G GBIC
      comp-gbic-opt-sw-2g  (23)     -- Optical Short Wave 2G GBIC

   Es1000CompPosition ::= INTEGER (1..9)
   Es1000CompStatus ::= INTEGER {
      active      (1),
      update-busy (2),
      failed      (3)

   Es1000PortCount ::= INTEGER (1..9)
   Es1000PortIndex ::= INTEGER (1..9)
   Es1000PortNumber ::= INTEGER (0..8)

   Es1000PortPhyState ::= INTEGER {
      psNotInstalled          (1),
      psAvailable             (2),
      psBlocked               (3),
      psUnavailable           (4),
      psLinkFailure           (5),
      psLinkFailLOL           (6),
      psIntDiags              (7),
      psExtLoop               (8),
      psPortFail              (9),
      psSR                    (10),
      psLR                    (11),
      psPortBypassedLipF7     (12), -- H_port only
      psPortBypassedLipF8     (13), -- H_port only
      psPortBypassedOSError   (14), -- H_port and B_Port
      psPortBypassedCRCError  (15), -- H_port and B_Port
      psLinkFailLOSync        (16), -- H_port and B_port
      psLinkFailLOSignal      (17), -- H_port and B_port
      psTxFault               (18), -- H_port and B_port
      psTimeout               (19), -- B_port only
      psProtocolError         (20), -- B_port only
      psRxOLS                 (21), -- B_port only
      psRxNOS                 (22), -- B_port only
      psRxLR                  (23), -- B_port only
      psBBCredit              (24), -- B_port only
      psFatalError            (25)

   Es1000PortStatus ::= INTEGER {
      online   (1),
      offline  (2),
      testing  (3),
      faulty   (4)

   Es1000PortAdmStatus ::= INTEGER {
      online   (1),
      offline  (2),
      testing  (3)

   Es1000LoopStatus ::= INTEGER {
      loop-DOWN            (1),     -- DOWN
      loop-LIP             (2),     -- LIP   
      loop-LISM            (3),     -- LISM  
      loop-LIFA            (4),     -- LIFA  
      loop-LIPA            (5),     -- LIPA  
      loop-LIHA            (6),     -- LIHA  
      loop-LISA            (7),     -- LISA  
      loop-LIRP            (8),     -- LIRP  
      loop-LILP            (9),     -- LILP  
      loop-FAN             (10),    -- FAN   
      loop-ACTIVE          (11),    -- ACTIVE
      loop-READY           (12)     -- READY 

   Es1000LoopMasterWWN ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (8))
   Es1000LoopPortALPA ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..126))

   -- Groups in ES-1000 MIB

   es1000Sys      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es-1000 1 }

   es1000Comp     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es-1000 2 }

   es1000Port     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es-1000 3 }
   es1000Loop     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es-1000 4 }

   es1000Acct     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es-1000 5 }

   -- reserved    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es-1000 6 }
   -- reserved    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es-1000 7 }
   -- reserved    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es-1000 8 }
   -- reserved    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { es-1000 9 }

   -- the System Group

   es1000SysCurrentDate   OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               DisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "The current date information."
   ::= { es1000Sys 1 }

   es1000SysBootDate      OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               DisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "The date and time of the last IPL."
   ::= { es1000Sys 2 }

   es1000SysFirmwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               DisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "The current version of the firmware."
   ::= { es1000Sys 3 }

   es1000SysTypeNum       OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               DisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object identifies ASCII type
    number for the unit (ex. 001000)."
   ::= { es1000Sys 4 }

   es1000SysModelNum      OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               DisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object identifies ASCII
    model number for the unit (ex. 001)."
   ::= { es1000Sys 5 }

   es1000SysMfg           OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               DisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object identifies ASCII
    manufacturer for the unit (ex. MCD)."
   ::= { es1000Sys 6 }

   es1000SysPlantOfMfg    OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               DisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object identifies ASCII plant
    of manufacturer for the unit (ex. 01)."
   ::= { es1000Sys 7 }

   es1000SysSeqNum        OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               DisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object identifies ASCII
    sequence number for the unit (ex. 000000000001)."
   ::= { es1000Sys 8 }

   es1000SysEcLevel       OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               DisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object identifies ASCII EC level
    ID for the unit (format: xyymmdd, x=millennium)."
   ::= { es1000Sys 9 }

   es1000SysOemSerialNum  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               DisplayString (SIZE (0..64))
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object identifies ASCII OEM
    serial number for the unit (format: xyymmdd, x=millennium)."
   ::= { es1000Sys 10 }

   es1000SysOperStatus    OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Es1000SysOperStatus
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "The current operational status
    of the switch. The values are defined as follows:
    operational(1), redundant-failure(2), minor-failure(3),
    major-failure(4), and not-operational(5)."
   ::= { es1000Sys 11 }

   es1000SysState         OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Es1000SysState
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "If the edOperStatus of the switch is
    operational, the switch will be in one of the four states:
    online(1), coming-online(2), offline(3), and going-offline(4)."
   ::= { es1000Sys 12 }

   es1000SysAdmStatus     OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               INTEGER {
                              online  (1),
                              offline (2)
      ACCESS               read-write
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "The desired administrative status
    of the switch. A management station may place the switch
    in a desired state by setting this object accordingly.
    The desired administrative status are online(1) and offline(2).
    Online means setting the switch to be accessible by an external
    Fibre Channel port, and offline means setting the switch to be
   ::= { es1000Sys 13 }

   -- End of System Group

   -- Fibre Channel Component Group
   -- This group contains Component information of each Fibre Channel Component.

   es1000CompTable        OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               SEQUENCE OF Es1000CompEntry
      ACCESS               not-accessible
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "A table that contains one entry for each component."
   ::= { es1000Comp 1 }

   es1000CompEntry        OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Es1000CompEntry
      ACCESS               not-accessible
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "An entry containing the service parameters of the component."

      INDEX                { es1000CompCode,
                             es1000CompPosition }
   ::= { es1000CompTable 1 }

   Es1000CompEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
      es1000CompCode         Es1000CompCode,
      es1000CompPosition     Es1000CompPosition,
      es1000CompStatus       Es1000CompStatus

   es1000CompCode         OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Es1000CompCode
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "Component.
    A hardware unit of the product. Each component defined
    in this MIB has a fixed COMPONENT code, except for port
    components which vary based on the installed GBIC.
    The values are defined as follows:
    comp-ctp(2), comp-fan(5), comp-power(6), comp-thermal(13),
    comp-gbic-none(16), comp-gbic-cu-db9(17),
    comp-gbic-cu-hssdc(18), comp-gbic-opt-lw-1g(19),
    comp-gbic-serial(20), comp-gbic-opt-sw-1g(21),
    comp-gbic-opt-lw-2g(22), comp-gbic-opt-sw-2g(23)"
   ::= { es1000CompEntry 1 }

   es1000CompPosition     OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Es1000CompPosition
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object identifies the position
    of the component. CTP components start from 1 to 1, fans
    from 1 to 6, power supplies from 1 to 2, thermal sensors
    from 1 to 1, port GBICs from 1 to 9."
   ::= { es1000CompEntry 2 }

   es1000CompStatus       OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Es1000CompStatus
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object identifies the operational
    status of the component. The active(1) state indicates that the
    current component is active. The update-busy(2) state indicates
    that the component is in the updating process. The failed(3) state
    indicates the current component is failed."
   ::= { es1000CompEntry 3 }

   -- End of Fibre Channel Component Group

   -- Fibre Channel Port Group
   -- This group contains information about each Fibre Channel port.

   es1000PortBportCount   OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Es1000PortCount
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "The number of physical B_Ports available."
   ::= { es1000Port 1 }

   es1000PortHportCount   OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Es1000PortCount
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "The number of physical H_Ports available."
   ::= { es1000Port 2 }

   -- B_Port Table
   es1000PortBportTable   OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               SEQUENCE OF Es1000PortBportEntry
      ACCESS               not-accessible
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "A table that contains one entry
    for each B_Port."
   ::= { es1000Port 3 }

   es1000PortBportEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Es1000PortBportEntry
      ACCESS               not-accessible
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "An entry containing the information for the B_Port."
      INDEX                { es1000PortBportIndex }
   ::= { es1000PortBportTable 1 }

   Es1000PortBportEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
      es1000PortBportIndex         Es1000PortIndex,
      es1000PortBportNumber        Es1000PortNumber,
      es1000PortBportPhyState      Es1000PortPhyState,
      es1000PortBportOpStatus      Es1000PortStatus,
      es1000PortBportAdmStatus     Es1000PortAdmStatus,
      es1000PortBportName          DisplayString,
      es1000PortBportBlockedState  TruthValue

   es1000PortBportIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Es1000PortIndex
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object identifies the B_Port."
   ::= { es1000PortBportEntry 1 }

   es1000PortBportNumber  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Es1000PortNumber
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object identifies the B_Port number."
   ::= { es1000PortBportEntry 2 }

   es1000PortBportPhyState OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Es1000PortPhyState
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object identifies the physical state of the B_Port."
   ::= { es1000PortBportEntry 3 }

   es1000PortBportOpStatus OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Es1000PortStatus
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object identifies the operational
    status of the B_Port. The online(1) state indicates that user frames
    can be passed."
   ::= { es1000PortBportEntry 4 }

   es1000PortBportAdmStatus OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Es1000PortAdmStatus
      ACCESS               read-write
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "The desired state of the B_Port.
    A management station may place the B_Port in a desired
    state by setting this object accordingly. The testing(3)
    state indicates that no user frames can be passed. As
    the result of either explicit management action or per
    configuration information accessible by the B_Port, the
    es1000PortBportAdmStatus is changed to either the online(1)
    or testing(3) states, or remains in the offline(2) state."
   ::= { es1000PortBportEntry 5 }

   es1000PortBportName    OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               DisplayString (SIZE (0..24))
      ACCESS               read-write
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "The desired name of the B_Port."
   ::= { es1000PortBportEntry 6 }

   es1000PortBportBlockedState OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               TruthValue
      ACCESS               read-write
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "The desired blocked state of the B_Port.
    Blocking a B_Port prevents it from communicating with its
    attached E_Port. A blocked B_Port will continuously transmit
    the Off-Line Sequence (OLS)."
   ::= { es1000PortBportEntry 7 }

   -- H_Port Table
   es1000PortHportTable   OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               SEQUENCE OF Es1000PortHportEntry
      ACCESS               not-accessible
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "A table that contains one entry
    for each H_Port."
   ::= { es1000Port 4 }

   es1000PortHportEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Es1000PortHportEntry
      ACCESS               not-accessible
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "An entry containing the information for the H_Port."
      INDEX                { es1000PortHportIndex }
   ::= { es1000PortHportTable 1 }

   Es1000PortHportEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
      es1000PortHportIndex            Es1000PortIndex,
      es1000PortHportNumber           Es1000PortNumber,
      es1000PortHportPhyState         Es1000PortPhyState,
      es1000PortHportOpStatus         Es1000PortStatus,
      es1000PortHportAdmStatus        Es1000PortAdmStatus,
      es1000PortHportName             DisplayString,
      es1000PortHportBypassedState    TruthValue,
      es1000PortHportValidation       TruthValue,
      es1000PortHportLipOnInsertion   TruthValue

   es1000PortHportIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Es1000PortIndex
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object identifies the H_Port."
   ::= { es1000PortHportEntry 1 }

   es1000PortHportNumber  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Es1000PortNumber
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object identifies the H_Port number."
   ::= { es1000PortHportEntry 2 }

   es1000PortHportPhyState OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Es1000PortPhyState
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object identifies the physical state of the H_Port."
   ::= { es1000PortHportEntry 3 }

   es1000PortHportOpStatus OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Es1000PortStatus
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object identifies the operational
    status of the H_Port. The online(1) state indicates that user frames
    can be passed."
   ::= { es1000PortHportEntry 4 }

   es1000PortHportAdmStatus OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Es1000PortAdmStatus
      ACCESS               read-write
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "The desired state of the H_Port.
    A management station may place the H_Port in a desired
    state by setting this object accordingly. The testing(3)
    state indicates that no user frames can be passed. As
    the result of either explicit management action or per
    configuration information accessible by the switch, the
    es1000PortHportAdmStatus is changed to either the online(1)
    or testing(3) states, or remains in the offline(2) state."
   ::= { es1000PortHportEntry 5 }

   es1000PortHportName    OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               DisplayString (SIZE (0..24))
      ACCESS               read-write
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "The desired name of the H_Port."
   ::= { es1000PortHportEntry 6 }

   es1000PortHportBypassedState OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               TruthValue
      ACCESS               read-write
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "The desired bypassed state of the H_Port.
    Bypassing an H_Port prevents an attached device from communicating
    with the switch or communicating with any other device attached to
    the switch. Bypassing a port causes the incoming signal from an
    attached device to not placed on the Loop."
   ::= { es1000PortHportEntry 7 }

   es1000PortHportValidation OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               TruthValue
      ACCESS               read-write
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "The desired port validation state of the H_Port.
    If enabled, then a more rigorous process of validating the attached
    device is performed before insertion into the Loop."
   ::= { es1000PortHportEntry 8 }

   es1000PortHportLipOnInsertion OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               TruthValue
      ACCESS               read-write
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "The desired LIP on Insertion state of the H_Port.
    If enabled, a LIP will be automatically sent after any port insertion,
    port bypass, or manual GBIC installation or removal."
   ::= { es1000PortHportEntry 9 }

   -- End of Fibre Channel Port Group

   -- the Loop Group

   es1000LoopStatus       OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Es1000LoopStatus
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "The current loop status of the switch.
    The values are defined as follows:
    DOWN(1), LIP(2), LISM(3), LIFA(4), LIPA(5), LIHA(6),
    LISA(7), LIRP(8), LILP(9), FAN(10), ACTIVE(11), and READY(12)."
   ::= { es1000Loop 1 }

   es1000LoopMasterWWN    OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Es1000LoopMasterWWN
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "The loop master worldwide name. If the
    loop master is unknown, then the worldwide name will be all zeros."
   ::= { es1000Loop 2 }

   es1000LoopSwitched     OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               TruthValue
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "Indicates whether switching mode is 
    enabled. If enabled, each pair of communicating H_Ports may share
    the 100 Mbyte bandwidth. If not enabled, all devices on the loop
    share the 100 Mbyte bandwidth available on the loop."
   ::= { es1000Loop 3 }

   es1000LoopPrincipal    OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               TruthValue
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "Indicates whether the switch is operating
    as the principal ES-1000 on the loop."
   ::= { es1000Loop 4 }

   es1000LoopPortTable    OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               SEQUENCE OF Es1000LoopPortEntry
      ACCESS               not-accessible
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "A table that contains the port-to-ALPA
    mapping for each H_Port on the loop."
   ::= { es1000Loop 5 }

   es1000LoopPortEntry    OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Es1000LoopPortEntry
      ACCESS               not-accessible
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "An entry containing the ALPA information 
    for the H_Port."
      INDEX                { es1000LoopPortIndex }
   ::= { es1000LoopPortTable 1 }

   Es1000LoopPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
      es1000LoopPortIndex    Es1000PortIndex,
      es1000LoopPortNumber   Es1000PortNumber,
      es1000LoopPortALPA     Es1000LoopPortALPA

   es1000LoopPortIndex    OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Es1000PortIndex
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object identifies the Loop port entry."
   ::= { es1000LoopPortEntry 1 }

   es1000LoopPortNumber   OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Es1000PortNumber
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object identifies the H_Port number."
   ::= { es1000LoopPortEntry 2 }

   es1000LoopPortALPA     OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Es1000LoopPortALPA
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object identifies the ALPA's associated
    with the H_Port."
   ::= { es1000LoopPortEntry 3 }

   -- End of Loop Group

   -- the Accounting Group

   -- B_Port Accounting Table
   es1000AcctBportTable   OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               SEQUENCE OF Es1000AcctBportEntry
      ACCESS               not-accessible
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "A table that contains B_Port accounting
    information recorded since the switch IPL'd."
   ::= { es1000Acct 1 }

   es1000AcctBportEntry   OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Es1000AcctBportEntry
      ACCESS               not-accessible
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "An entry containing accounting information
    for each B_Port."
      INDEX                { es1000AcctBportIndex }
   ::= { es1000AcctBportTable 1 }

   Es1000AcctBportEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
      es1000AcctBportIndex                  Es1000PortIndex,
      es1000AcctBportNumber                 Es1000PortNumber,
      es1000AcctBportLinkFailures           Counter,
      es1000AcctBportSyncLosses             Counter,
      es1000AcctBportSigLosses              Counter,
      es1000AcctBportPrimSeqProtoErrors     Counter,
      es1000AcctBportInvalidTxWords         Counter,
      es1000AcctBportInvalidCrcs            Counter,
      es1000AcctBportLinkResetIns           Counter,
      es1000AcctBportLinkResetOuts          Counter,
      es1000AcctBportOlsIns                 Counter,
      es1000AcctBportOlsOuts                Counter,
      es1000AcctBportC2InFrames             Counter,
      es1000AcctBportC2OutFrames            Counter,
      es1000AcctBportC2Discards             Counter,
      es1000AcctBportC2InOctets             Counter,
      es1000AcctBportC2OutOctets            Counter,
      es1000AcctBportC3InFrames             Counter,
      es1000AcctBportC3OutFrames            Counter,
      es1000AcctBportC3InOctets             Counter,
      es1000AcctBportC3OutOctets            Counter,
      es1000AcctBportC3Discards             Counter,
      es1000AcctBportRxWords                Counter,
      es1000AcctBportTxWords                Counter,
      es1000AcctBportRxFrames               Counter,
      es1000AcctBportTxFrames               Counter,
      es1000AcctBportInvalidOrderedSets     Counter,
      es1000AcctBportFramesTooLong          Counter,
      es1000AcctBportFramesTooShort         Counter,
      es1000AcctBportTxThroughput           Counter,
      es1000AcctBportRxThroughput           Counter,
      es1000AcctBportAddressErrors          Counter,
      es1000AcctBportC2FbsyFrames           Counter,
      es1000AcctBportC2FrjtFrames           Counter,
      es1000AcctBportCFInFrames             Counter,
      es1000AcctBportFramesDiscarded        Counter,
      es1000AcctBportInvalidClassofFrame    Counter,
      es1000AcctBportC2RxWords              Counter,
      es1000AcctBportC2TxWords              Counter,
      es1000AcctBportC3RxWords              Counter,
      es1000AcctBportC3TxWords              Counter,
      es1000AcctBportTxThroughputPercent    Counter,
      es1000AcctBportRxThroughputPercent    Counter,
      es1000AcctBportLinkDown               Counter

   es1000AcctBportIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Es1000PortIndex
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object identifies the B_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 1 }

   es1000AcctBportNumber  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Es1000PortNumber
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object identifies the B_Port number."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 2 }

   es1000AcctBportLinkFailures           OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Link Failures detected by this B_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 3 }

   es1000AcctBportSyncLosses             OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    loss of synchronization detected by this B_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 4 }

   es1000AcctBportSigLosses              OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    loss of signal detected by this B_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 5 }

   es1000AcctBportPrimSeqProtoErrors     OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    primitive sequence protocol errors detected by this B_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 6 }

   es1000AcctBportInvalidTxWords         OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    invalid transmission words detected by this B_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 7 }

   es1000AcctBportInvalidCrcs            OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    invalid CRC detected by this B_Port for frames received."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 8 }

   es1000AcctBportLinkResetIns           OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Link Reset Protocol received by this B_Port from the
    attached E_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 9 }

   es1000AcctBportLinkResetOuts          OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Link Reset Protocol issued by this B_Port to the
    attached E_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 10 }

   es1000AcctBportOlsIns                 OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Offline Sequence (OLS) received by this B_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 11 }

   es1000AcctBportOlsOuts                OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Offline Sequence (OLS) issued by this B_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 12 }

   es1000AcctBportC2InFrames             OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Class 2 frames received by this B_Port from its
    attached E_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 13 }

   es1000AcctBportC2OutFrames            OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Class 2 frames delivered through this B_Port to its
    attached E_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 14 }

   es1000AcctBportC2Discards             OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Class 2 frames discarded by this B_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 15 }

   es1000AcctBportC2InOctets             OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Class 2 frame octets (bytes), including the frame delimeters,
    received by this B_Port from its attached E_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 16 }

   es1000AcctBportC2OutOctets            OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Class 2 frame octets (bytes), including the frame delimeters,
    delivered through this B_Port to its attached E_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 17 }

   es1000AcctBportC3InFrames             OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Class 3 frames received by this B_Port from its attached 
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 18 }

   es1000AcctBportC3OutFrames            OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Class 3 frames delivered through this B_Port to its
    attached E_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 19 }

   es1000AcctBportC3InOctets             OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Class 3 frame octets (bytes), including the frame delimeters,
    received by this B_Port from its attached E_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 20 }

   es1000AcctBportC3OutOctets            OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Class 3 frame octets (bytes), including the frame delimeters,
    delivered through this B_Port to its attached E_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 21 }

   es1000AcctBportC3Discards             OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Class 3 frames discarded by this B_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 22 }

   es1000AcctBportRxWords                OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Fibre Channel words, including the frame delimeters,
    received by this B_Port from its attached E_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 23 }

   es1000AcctBportTxWords                OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Fibre Channel words, including the frame delimeters,
    delivered through this B_Port to its attached E_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 24 }

   es1000AcctBportRxFrames               OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Fibre Channel frames received by this B_Port from its
    attached E_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 25 }

   es1000AcctBportTxFrames               OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Fibre Channel frames delivered through this B_Port to its
    attached E_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 26 }

   es1000AcctBportInvalidOrderedSets     OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    invalid Ordered Sets received by this B_Port from its
    attached E_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 27 }

   es1000AcctBportFramesTooLong          OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Fibre Channel over length frames received by this B_Port
    from its attached E_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 28 }

   es1000AcctBportFramesTooShort         OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Fibre Channel truncated frames received by this B_Port
    from its attached E_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 29 }

   es1000AcctBportTxThroughput           OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object presents the Bps 
    transmission rate for this B_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 30 }

   es1000AcctBportRxThroughput           OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object presents the Bps 
    reception rate for this B_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 31 }

   es1000AcctBportAddressErrors          OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Address errors detected by this B_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 32 }

   es1000AcctBportC2FbsyFrames           OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    F_BSY frames generated by this B_Port against Class 2 frames."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 33 }

   es1000AcctBportC2FrjtFrames           OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    F_RJT frames generated by this B_Port against Class 2 frames."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 34 }

   es1000AcctBportCFInFrames             OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Class F frames received by this B_Port from its attached
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 35 }

   es1000AcctBportFramesDiscarded        OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Fibre Channel frames that this B_Port has discarded."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 36 }

   es1000AcctBportInvalidClassofFrame    OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Invalid Class of frame detected by this B_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 37 }

   es1000AcctBportC2RxWords              OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Class 2 frame words, including the frame delimeters,
    received by this B_Port from its attached E_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 38 }

   es1000AcctBportC2TxWords              OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Class 2 words, including the frame delimeters, delivered
    through this B_Port to its attached E_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 39 }

   es1000AcctBportC3RxWords              OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Class 3 frame words, including the frame delimeters,
    received by this B_Port from its attached E_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 40 }

   es1000AcctBportC3TxWords              OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Class 3 words, including the frame delimeters, delivered
    through this B_Port to its attached E_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 41 }

   es1000AcctBportTxThroughputPercent    OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object presents the percentage
    of transmission bandwidth used by this B_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 42 }

   es1000AcctBportRxThroughputPercent    OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object presents the percentage
    of reception bandwidth used by this B_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 43 }

   es1000AcctBportLinkDown               OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    times the B_Port has detected a link down condition."
   ::= { es1000AcctBportEntry 44 }

   -- H_Port Accounting Table
   es1000AcctHportTable   OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               SEQUENCE OF Es1000AcctHportEntry
      ACCESS               not-accessible
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "A table that contains H_Port accounting
    information recorded since the switch IPL'd."
   ::= { es1000Acct 2 }

   es1000AcctHportEntry    OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Es1000AcctHportEntry
      ACCESS               not-accessible
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "An entry containing accounting information
    for each H_Port."
      INDEX                { es1000AcctHportIndex }
   ::= { es1000AcctHportTable 1 }

   Es1000AcctHportEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
      es1000AcctHportIndex               Es1000PortIndex,
      es1000AcctHportNumber              Es1000PortNumber,
      es1000AcctHportLinkFailures        Counter,
      es1000AcctHportSyncLosses          Counter,
      es1000AcctHportSigLosses           Counter,
      es1000AcctHportInvalidTxWords      Counter,
      es1000AcctHportInvalidCrcs         Counter,
      es1000AcctHportC2InFrames          Counter,
      es1000AcctHportC2OutFrames         Counter,
      es1000AcctHportC2InOctets          Counter,
      es1000AcctHportC2OutOctets         Counter,
      es1000AcctHportC3InFrames          Counter,
      es1000AcctHportC3OutFrames         Counter,
      es1000AcctHportC3InOctets          Counter,
      es1000AcctHportC3OutOctets         Counter,
      es1000AcctHportRxWords             Counter,
      es1000AcctHportTxWords             Counter,
      es1000AcctHportRxFrames            Counter,
      es1000AcctHportTxFrames            Counter,
      es1000AcctHportTxThroughput        Counter,
      es1000AcctHportRxThroughput        Counter,
      es1000AcctHportC2RxWords           Counter,
      es1000AcctHportC2TxWords           Counter,
      es1000AcctHportC3RxWords           Counter,
      es1000AcctHportC3TxWords           Counter,
      es1000AcctHportTxThroughputPercent Counter,
      es1000AcctHportRxThroughputPercent Counter,
      es1000AcctHportLIPCount            Counter,
      es1000AcctHportConnectionsMade     Counter,
      es1000AcctHportConnectionsStalled  Counter,
      es1000AcctHportConnectionsAborted  Counter,
      es1000AcctHportConnectionsAccepted Counter

   es1000AcctHportIndex    OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Es1000PortIndex
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object identifies the H_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctHportEntry 1 }

   es1000AcctHportNumber  OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Es1000PortNumber
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object identifies the H_Port number."
   ::= { es1000AcctHportEntry 2 }

   es1000AcctHportLinkFailures           OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Link Failures detected by this H_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctHportEntry 3 }

   es1000AcctHportSyncLosses             OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    loss of synchronization detected by this H_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctHportEntry 4 }

   es1000AcctHportSigLosses              OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    loss of signal detected by this H_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctHportEntry 5 }

   es1000AcctHportInvalidTxWords         OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    invalid transmission words detected by this H_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctHportEntry 6 }

   es1000AcctHportInvalidCrcs            OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    invalid CRC detected by this H_Port for frames received."
   ::= { es1000AcctHportEntry 7 }

   es1000AcctHportC2InFrames             OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Class 2 frames received by this H_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctHportEntry 8 }

   es1000AcctHportC2OutFrames            OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Class 2 frames delivered through this H_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctHportEntry 9 }

   es1000AcctHportC2InOctets             OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Class 2 frame octets (bytes), including the frame delimeters,
    received by this H_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctHportEntry 10 }

   es1000AcctHportC2OutOctets            OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Class 2 frame octets (bytes), including the frame delimeters,
    delivered through this H_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctHportEntry 11 }

   es1000AcctHportC3InFrames             OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Class 3 frames received by this H_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctHportEntry 12 }

   es1000AcctHportC3OutFrames            OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Class 3 frames delivered through this H_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctHportEntry 13 }

   es1000AcctHportC3InOctets             OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Class 3 frame octets (bytes), including the frame delimeters,
    received by this H_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctHportEntry 14 }

   es1000AcctHportC3OutOctets            OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Class 3 frame octets (bytes), including the frame delimeters,
    delivered through this H_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctHportEntry 15 }

   es1000AcctHportRxWords                OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Fibre Channel words, including the frame delimeters,
    received by this H_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctHportEntry 16 }

   es1000AcctHportTxWords                OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Fibre Channel words, including the frame delimeters,
    delivered through this H_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctHportEntry 17 }

   es1000AcctHportRxFrames               OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Fibre Channel frames received by this H_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctHportEntry 18 }

   es1000AcctHportTxFrames               OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Fibre Channel frames delivered through this H_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctHportEntry 19 }

   es1000AcctHportTxThroughput           OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object presents the Bps 
    transmission rate for this H_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctHportEntry 20 }

   es1000AcctHportRxThroughput           OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object presents the Bps 
    reception rate for this H_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctHportEntry 21 }

   es1000AcctHportC2RxWords              OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Class 2 frame words, including the frame delimeters,
    received by this H_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctHportEntry 22 }

   es1000AcctHportC2TxWords              OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Class 2 words, including the frame delimeters, delivered
    through this H_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctHportEntry 23 }

   es1000AcctHportC3RxWords              OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Class 3 frame words, including the frame delimeters,
    received by this H_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctHportEntry 24 }

   es1000AcctHportC3TxWords              OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    Class 3 words, including the frame delimeters, delivered
    through this H_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctHportEntry 25 }

   es1000AcctHportTxThroughputPercent    OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object presents the percentage
    of transmission bandwidth used by this H_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctHportEntry 26 }

   es1000AcctHportRxThroughputPercent    OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object presents the percentage
    of reception bandwidth used by this H_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctHportEntry 27 }

   es1000AcctHportLIPCount               OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    LIPs detected by this H_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctHportEntry 28 }

   es1000AcctHportConnectionsMade        OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    connections made by this H_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctHportEntry 29 }

   es1000AcctHportConnectionsStalled     OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    connections stalled by this H_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctHportEntry 30 }

   es1000AcctHportConnectionsAborted     OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    connections aborted by this H_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctHportEntry 31 }

   es1000AcctHportConnectionsAccepted    OBJECT-TYPE
      SYNTAX               Counter
      ACCESS               read-only
      STATUS               mandatory
      DESCRIPTION          "This object counts the number of
    connections accepted by this H_Port."
   ::= { es1000AcctHportEntry 32 }

   -- End of Accounting Group

   -- ES-1000 Enterprise Specific Trap Definitions

   es1000PortBportScn     TRAP-TYPE
      ENTERPRISE           mcData
      VARIABLES            { es1000PortBportOpStatus }
      DESCRIPTION          "A es1000PortBportScn is generated
    whenever a B_Port changes its operational state.
    For instance, the B_Port goes from online to offline."
   ::= 1

   es1000PortHportScn     TRAP-TYPE
      ENTERPRISE           mcData
      VARIABLES            { es1000PortHportOpStatus }
      DESCRIPTION          "A es1000PortHportScn is generated
    whenever a H_Port changes its operational state.
    For instance, the H_Port goes from online to offline."
   ::= 2

   es1000CompScn          TRAP-TYPE
      ENTERPRISE           mcData
      VARIABLES            { es1000CompStatus }
      DESCRIPTION          "A es1000CompScn is generated
    whenever a COMPONENT status changes its operational state."
   ::= 3